Monday, December 31, 2007

"America was formed as a Christian nation!"

I always see this one argument, in almost all of the debates I have witnessed, read, been involved in, etc. It is "America was formed as a Christian nation!". Of course, the people who say this obviously have no idea what the shit they are talking about. I suppose it would make sense to say that America is a Christian majority nation, since that is how I see America. But saying that America was formed on the belief of a supernatural man in the sky called God is absolute horse shit.
If the Christians who say these stupid things would do some research they would find out that in article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli, it says this:

As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

Read that a few times, Christians. This article in the treaty is what brought up the principle of Separation of Church and State, which I am a major supporter of.

But Christians are pretty tricky, so they will say "Well, the founding fathers were mostly Christian". So what? There religious beliefs had nothing to do with America. They were theirs and theirs alone. For the record, there were people of other beliefs that were founding fathers. From wikipedia -

Lambert (2003) has examined the religious affiliations and beliefs of the Founders. Some of the 1787 delegates had no affiliation. The others were Protestants except for three Roman Catholics, C. Carroll, D. Carroll, and Fitzsimons. Among the Protestants Constitutional Convention delegates, 28 were Episcopalian, 8 were Presbyterians, 7 were Congregationalists, 2 were Lutherans, 2 were Dutch Reformed, and 2 were Methodists.

My next rant about Christians is going to be how they think that we Atheists are shoving beliefs down their throats.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Smack Talk

On the wide wonders of Xbox Live, I have encountered quite a bit of smack talk in my days. Most of it is pretty funny. But what isn't funny is overused jokes.

My name "Plasmafrag" is a simple name to turn into an insult, example Plasmafag. Of course, since I have been on Xbox live for 2 years I have heard so much of this pathetic twisting of my name that if insults were physical entities, they would be bigger than Africa. It's just un-imaginative.

Plasmafrog, Plasmafaggot, and the ever popular Plasmafag are all examples of overused insults. I've heard enough of them. They don't insult me, they are just annoying. Imagine your name was Plasmafrag. Would you like to hear the same smack talk about you, over and over and over and over etc. for as long as you go on Xbox Live? I bet you don't.

And another thing, my age has nothing to do with my playing and/or intelligence. Sure, my voice may seem feminine, but I assure you I am male. I have male reproductive organs. And it isn't funny to call me a girl, or a 10 year old because I have been hearing this as long as Plasmafag.

I don't speak much on Halo 3 matchmaking anymore because of the stupid overused insults that irritate me ever so much. They aren't funny, insulting, or imaginative. Think up some new ones, for the love of god. And make sure they actually classify as smack talk.

Also, Happy Holidays.

Monday, December 17, 2007


Sometimes I feel like I am wading in a big swamp of stupidity. First off, I know, not I think, I know that I am not the smartest kid on the block. Everyone has had there share of stupid moments. But when it all happens at once in every medium you can think of, it gets weird. Stupidity on the internet, in real life, everywhere! And I feel like I'm the only one not involved with it. Not like I want to be involved with the stupidity of others, I just feel like I am left out because I am actually sane and others aren't.

As I have said before, I am not the smartest person in the world. I think I am one of the stupidest people actually, but with all of my friends and family slowly becoming so stupid they would think that a quarter back is change back when buying something, I feel like I am getting smarter. It might be because I actually have common sense, or It might be because everyone is loosing theirs.

Now I know that all 1 of you that actually give a shit about this blog will think that I am being a stupid smart ass but let me point out some of my stupidity. Before I typed all of this crap I spelled Stupidity as "Stupididy". I checked it out through Microsoft word and etc. until I remembered that Firefox has a spell check too. Other than that because it was about 2 minutes ago, I can't think of any other stupid moments. I guess that means that either I am the smartest kid I know, or I have a bad memory. There's two good options, pick your favorite.

Well in a few years when all of my family and friends are reduced to nothing but retarded monkeys with downs syndrome, I know I will either be the same as now or be smarter than Stephen fucking Hawking.

Oh and by the way, I don't care if you are offended by the downs syndrome or retard statements. I'm the only one who reads this fucking thing anyways. And by the off chance you stumbled by my blog, piss off. I could care less about your problems.

You know what's funny? I don't actually act like a self-involved prick. I guess it's because I know no one is reading this anyways. Later my non-existent readers.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

5 min of Cloverfield!

Rare mummified dinosaur found!

I hate to update the blog so fast, but this is a cool story.

Scientists on Monday announced the discovery of what appears to be the world's most intact dinosaur mummy: a 67-million-year-old plant-eater that contains fossilized bones and skin tissue, and possibly muscle and organs.

Preserved by a natural fluke of time and chemistry, the four-ton mummified hadrosaur, a duck-billed herbivore common to North America, could reshape the understanding of dinosaurs and their habitat, its finders say.

"There is no doubt about it that this dinosaur is a very, very significant find," said Tyler Lyson, a graduate student in geology at Yale University who discovered the dinosaur in North Dakota.

"To say we are excited would be an understatement," said Phil Manning, a paleontologist at England's University of Manchester who is leading the examination. "When I first saw it in the field, (I thought) 'Shiiiit, that's a really well preserved dinosaur.' It has the potential to be a top-10 dinosaur, globally."

After excavating the dinosaur, scientists encased it and the surrounding soil in plaster. It was hauled to Boeing's giant CT scanner near Los Angeles.
Photo: National Geographic Channel

Nicknamed Dakota, the hadrosaur is one of only five naturally preserved dinosaur mummies ever discovered. Unlike previous dinosaur mummies, which typically involve skin impressions pressed into bones, Dakota's entire skin envelope appears to remain largely intact...


This just proves that the whole "The earth was made in six days, and has only been around for 6000 years thing" in the bible is shit.

You know what I hate?

More than extremely religious people, racists, etc. I hate people that can't take the truth. Some people just need to see that the world is not a sugar coated love fest. There are people there that may disagree with you. People need to start taking the truth seriously. I mean, I was just posting on a topic on a forum about a story that someone wrote. I thought the story was quite odd and the structure of the story was hard to read. But I did it in a satirical fashion.

The poster before me on this topic about this story gave the truth, and I agreed with it, but made a joke to make the storyteller feel better. Of course, everyone on this forum cannot take the truth, so we both (the poster before me, and myself) were silenced. Perhaps they saw it as mocking? Nope, no mocking, making fun of, flaming of any sort.

For some reason, after our posts about our opinion on the story, we got flamed. Ironic, isn't it? The people whom thought we were flaming thought that it was right to flame us. I wasn't flaming, I was telling the truth and making a joke. Some people just can't take the truth, which makes them weak. Even the storyteller told us that he/she didn't care about our opinions and that we should shut up.

What is wrong with people? Why can't they take the truth? I'm not saying that my opinion was the truth, but that the truth is that I am allowed to post my opinion. I posted a follow up reply which I am going to probably be banned for because the moderators don't know the difference of opinion and flaming, which said "If you can't take negative feedback, you shouldn't be writing stories.

And in my defense, my post was satirical." I just checked back and it has been silenced too.

What a shame.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

First Post!

Ok, so this is my first post ever of my Blog. I bet you are wondering who the hell I am, well I'm Plasmafrag. Gamer, rocker, ect. I play Halo 3 online and love the game Portal. I am involved with a machinima called This Spartan Life, and have been for like 2 years. I also do things in real life, such as play Magic the Gathering, collect transformers and play a variety of instruments. I am also a very negative person, and I don't think anyone will even read this blog.

Oh well, I talk to myself to much, so I though I might share my thoughts with the internet.

Oh if anyone does actually read this, here is a list of games I play.

PC -
World of Warcraft (every few weeks or so)
Garry's Mod
Halo CE
Toribash 3 (when I am bored)

Xbox 360 -
Halo 3

Many arcade games, such as
Marble Blast Ultra

Wii -
Super Smash Brothers Melee
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Wii sports

Various virtual console games.

TCG and CMG (Trading Card Games and Collectible Miniatures Games) -
Magic the Gathering
Halo ActionClix
Heroclix (sometimes)

I guess that's it for now, so long.