Monday, May 12, 2008


During my life, I have heard quite a bit about drugs, with all of the anti-drug propaganda everywhere in sight. With the DARE program in elementary and middle school, and the political statements about how bad this drug is, weed has gotten it's share of popularity, for better or for worse. The fact of the matter is, when I grew up, I actually researched weed myself, and found that it isn't as bad as people say. I can't even believe that there are people that haven't researched it themselves, they just listen to whatever the government has to say on the matter and believe it immediately, like blind sheep. It's really amazing.

I mean, if you mention weed in a public place, for example if you say "I might try some weed", you will get so many dirty looks and idiots barking their mindless dribble in your face. They say "It's bad for you!", "It can kill!", "You can get addicted to it!", and "It will turn you into a couch potato!" What's so amazingly ignorant in all of those claims is that every scientific research has found the exact opposite. It isn't as bad for you compared to other drugs, and It helps with some illnesses. It can't kill you, and there has been no case of a weed overdose, it's physically impossible. You can't get addicted to it, as the THC found in it isn't addictive. The only addiction you can get is a mental addiction, as you can with everything else, including chocolate and masturbating. It may turn some users into couch potatoes, but the fact that everyone (and I mean everyone) in your family and other families has used it before and they turn out fine makes that argument irrelevant.

I love how the last argument totally contradicts the fact that there are so many successful weed users. How about Carl Sagan? He was a avid weed smoker, and he's one of the most famous television celebrities and astronomers ever. He pioneered the SETI program dammit! How can you say that weed makes people couch potatoes when there are users, just like Mr. Sagan, going up and beyond the calling? On weed, Mr. Sagan wrote how this plant helped him inspire some of his works and enhance sensual and intellectual experiences. He even wrote an essay, under the pseudonym Mr. X, about the very things I just mentioned.

There are very idiotic people when it comes to weed. They insult them, telling them that they are losers, that they'll never amount to anything just because they smoke weed. And these people are so rude to them because they believe everything the government says about weed! These people are deluded! Extremely, christian-like, deluded. They don't even want to research it themselves! The fact that people can be so rude to people for smoking something that shouldn't be illegal in the first place is sickening. But, you find this everywhere. Due to propaganda lies, people have been brought up a false-truth about weed.

Weed isn't a drug either. It shouldn't be considered a drug, since It is simply not one. It's a plant. You don't add anything to the plant when preparing it, you just cut off the buds, put it in your smoking peripheral of choice and smoke. No additives, nothing added to it. Katt Williams explains it very well, let's watch and see.

Haha, that's great. The more powerful weed that he's talking about are different strains. They are just variations of weed that people have made. Strains of weed are the only case in which people add stuff to the weed. But they don't add the shit that they would do with actual drugs, they add stuff to make the weed have different effects and colors, and smell. Just read this wiki article about it, . They breed the plants and grow new strains. It's not like drugs where they do chemical shit to it.

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