Sunday, January 27, 2008

Intelligent Design =/= Science

I don't see why Christians keep insisting that the Idea of Creation is science. It's not. Intelligent Design isn't either. Intelligent Design is just creationism rapped in a veil of trickery that makes it look like science. No idea based off faith is science. In lamen's terms,
Creation + Lies = Intelligent Design
Intelligent Design =/= Science
Creation = Bullshit.
Quite simple equations, really. The definition of "theory" is "A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena." God is not fact. God is not phenomena. God is a delusion. Evolution is a theory because we have evidence that it happens, and the evidence explains how it happens and it has been tested and widely accepted and is used to make predictions about natural phenomena.

Creation is not a theory because it has no science whatsoever involved with explaining it. It's all just faith. A wide spread schizophrenia. Delusions. Faith. There is no scientific basis on the creation of man, the universe, based on the gospels. Thus, Creation is not a theory.

And a little side rant ( a pretty humorous one at that), some guy at the TSL forums private messaged me about me debating about religion, more nonspecific, Christianity. The guy first messaged me with this,
okay I noticed how much you try to fight God with logic but truth is, you can't measure by logic if you want to talk further I'll be more than happy to answer back just keep the anger to the minimum and it should be fine
Then I wittingly replied,
I'm guessing you can measure god by blind faith, no evidence, and delusional followers. Right?
Clever, I know. A few days past and then I got 2 more messages,
no you measure by all the deeds god has done for man there's proof all around us even at night, God put all the stars in the sky and if you look into one of them you could see the cross which JC was crucified on
What? That's just your blurry vision, idiot. And he's not even talking about a constellation, nope. The Star of Bethlehem. Here is the sky on the day that they supposedly saw the star 2000 years ago,
Cool picture, huh? I thought so. Anyways, if you can see a special star that is different from the rest that is the holy star of Bethlehem, let me know. Here is what the guy at Bad Astronomer has to say on the subject,

When I was younger I was something of a grinch. As I’ve grown older I’ve relaxed considerably about Christmas, and now I enjoy this time of year with my family quite a bit.

But still, sometimes my heart is maybe a size too small. I’ve been pondering writing my thoughts about the legend of the Star of Bethlehem for many years, and Christmas is as good a time as any; maybe even the best time! After all, ’tis the season for planetaria across the country to show their annual Star Of Bethlehem show, where they strive mightily to explain what astronomical phenomenon could have been behind the Biblical tale.

I have some bad news for them.

It is my personal opinion, based on looking through the evidence, that the Star did not exist. It is a simple story, a fictional account that too many people take way too seriously. Why?

Let’s see.

First, the story:

1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2 Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.


9 When they had heard the king, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was. 10 When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.

Right away, I have to wonder: if the wise men came from the east to Jerusalem, and they saw the star in the east, then following it they would have traveled away from Jerusalem, not toward it! They started east of the city, and headed east. So am I missing something here?

This right away makes me think something is perhaps amiss in this story.

Forgetting for the moment that this story is already somewhat inaccurate, what do we make of the idea of a notable star in the sky? The quotation above is from the King James version of the Bible, translated from Greek, and is similar to other versions of the book. The word in the Greek version is aster, which means literally "star", but could be fairly construed as some sort of astronomical event other than a simple star. It wouldn’t make any sense for the wise men to have followed just any old star, so we have to assume that this apparition was something unusual, and also rather bright. A really faint object wouldn’t have aroused much in the way of religious fervor and the desire to trek hundreds of miles across the desert; plus it is generally depicted as being very bright.

What could it have been?

The obvious thing to do is to think of bright astronomical phenomena such as a planetary conjunction (when two or more planets pass very near each other in the sky), a comet, and a nova or supernova.

Events like these have been exhaustively searched for. You can find many places online with descriptions, like Nick Strobel’s Astronomy Notes, for example. A Google search will yield dozens and dozens of potential phenomena. I think many are very unlikely to be right on their merits (a comet wouldn’t be mistaken for a star, a supernova would have most likely have been too bright, and so on).

But it doesn’t matter. The legend is almost certainly impossible. Why?

It has to do with the east again. Almost all stars rise and set over the course of the night, which is a reflection of the spin of the Earth. When viewed from above the north pole, the Earth spins counterclockwise, which means stars rise in the east, make an arc which peaks in the south, and then set in the west. The only stars which don’t do this are ones in the north, near Polaris. They make circles around the north pole of the sky, never rising nor setting (though they do get higher and lower in the sky as they circle).

So if the wise men saw a star "in the east", we see immediately there are problems. Was it in the east at sunset? If so, it would rise until about midnight, whereupon it would be toward the south, and then by sunrise it would be in the west. Following it would make them go in circles. Because of the Earth’s rotation, a star cannot stay in the eastern part of the sky. If it’s in the east at sunrise that’s both better and worse; better because the star may still be in the east when the Sun rises, so they only see it toward the east, but worse because then how can they then follow it?

It’s not an option for the star to be only in the east all night long. The rotating Earth prevents that. And if it’s far enough north it can stay in the north, but that’s not what the Bible says. It’s very specific about it being in the east; Matthew states that not just once but twice.

There are only two options: if it stayed in the east then it either orbited the Earth at a nearly or exactly geosynchronous rate (taking 24 hours to go around once, so it appeared to hang in one spot in the sky like a TV satellite), or it was a miracle and just hung there. The first is physically impossible, and the second… well, if you assume it was a miracle, why look for a supportive scientific explanation at all?

Speaking of support, there is another important point: Arabs and Chinese were phenomenal astronomers, and rarely missed any spectacular events (barring records being missing from key times). Note that most bright stars in the sky have Arabic names, a testament to the prowess of Arabic astronomers. It is unlikely in the extreme for them to have missed something like the Star of Bethlehem, and to my knowledge they didn’t record anything for that time period that fits the story, miracle or no. Update: It has been pointed out to me by various commenters below that Arabs did not start significantly contributing to astronomy until much later. So while we owe quite a bit to them sky-wise, you can ignore what I said about them here.

I think, in the end, there is a far simpler explanation: the star is a legend, a story, a tale told by people long after the actual event, getting bigger and more garnished with time. That does happen sometimes, you know. I am no fan of Biblical literalism, as searching my Religion category will show. There are hundreds upon hundreds of examples where the Bible cannot be literally true, so why can’t the Star of Bethlehem be yet another example?

If you are a religious sort, then there is little need to look for scientific explanations of miraculous events. By definition, a miracle is something that defies the laws of physics (and you can just guess how I feel about that). And if you are a scientist (and/or a planetarium show writer), you’re welcome to look for some physical representation of the Star, but bear in mind that your starting premise must perforce be flawed: if the story is literally true, there cannot be a scientific explanation, and if it’s a story that’s been embellished, you have too many free parameters to choose from. Which part of the myth do you ignore? How it hung in only one part of the sky, in the east? How bright it was? When it occurred?

The fact that no one has found a definitive explanation of the Star supports my idea that it’s a fictional tale. If it were as bright and obvious and critical as Matthew made it out to be, then we’d know what it was for sure by now.

If you’re a Christian, then it’s a nice story, and if you’re not, you can take it or leave it on its merits. I don’t think it takes anything away from the meaning of the holiday, whatever it may mean to you.

As for me, I’ll be happy looking at real stars, and opening my real presents on Christmas morning.

Happy holidays!

Anyways, onto the next massage the guy sent me,
actually there's proof in the case for the creator, if you look into a special star the worlds largest star you'll see the cross and everything happens for a reason
Wow.. How exactly is that proof for anything? You want me to look into a special star, the worlds' largest star (the largest documented star is -I think- W Cephei, of course if that isn't the biggest star, it sure is close!) I will see a cross and also see that everything happens for a reason. How exactly does a star do that? More like delusions. Here's an idea, I want you to look into the Sun and see what you see. Actually, you just looked at a size 4 star on the life cycle and a class G star on the H-R Diagram, you're blind! Congratulations.

Also, the star you are talking about is most likely Sirius, which isn't much a important star other than the fact that it is the brightest in the night sky. Well, not that important anymore, modern astronomy is amazing isn't it. A few years ago Sirius was a unique blue star in the sky, bright as can be. Now we know it is a bright blue star in a binary system. Yay, science!

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Today I am going to do something different. Rather than just ranting on one subject, I will rant on basically everything that has been bothering me. I might do this in the future, so I will call it the Mega-Rant-Athon #1. Let's get started, shall we?

Space, the Final Frontier

I hate when people call me a nerd when I say I am interested in Astronomy. I don't really understand their logic. They tell me I should do something better with my life than just ponder about the universe, when they are doing something absolutely un-useful for anyone. Sure, try and be an actor, It will surely be worth it in the end. But, it wont.

I think everyone on this planet should do something to help the scientific community. Either by becoming a scientist yourself or donating or something. I hate to break it to you, but the only job that matters right now is being an Astronomer, or being someone that contributes to Astronomers. Rather then spend their life being an actor, being popular or the sort, they are trying to find out answers to the most important questions. In this age of our species' life, we need to start our intergalactic expeditions. Yes, I know it sounds like something out of Star Trek, but we really need to.

This planet is getting used up, and if we don't do anything about it we will use up all of the resources. Science has gotten us to be able to explore our neighbor planets, such as Mars, Venus, the Jovian Giants and such so that's a great start. Science is working on making Mars habitable! Science is going to find out if there is water on Europa! Science is going to help us in our advancement towards the stars.
ET, Phone Home

When I talk about the possibility of life on other planets, people look at me like I'm mad! Because of Hollywood the possibility of life on other planets has been labeled as Science-Fiction when it is closer to the truth than imaginable. The meteorite ALH84001 shows evidence for micro-bacteria that most scientists agree most likely came from Mars. No matter where it came from, the fact still stands, there is life on other planets! No matter if it is just microscopic bacteria Martians or a civilized species like ourselves, life exists outside our little "perfect" planet.

And even if the ALH 84001 meteorite does not have life engraved inside of it, it is extremely stupid to think that life in the universe is impossible. If our planet, earth, formed to be able to be habitable for life why wouldn't other planets form life ours? And we don't know everything about the universe, there might be extraterrestrials that breathe Methane, such as the grunts from the Halo series! Nothing is impossible in the universe.


I absolutely, positively, HATE when people talk to me like I'm five years old. I'm 14, almost 15. I am mature, going through puberty. I make valid arguments and should not be shunned because of my age. Instead of me just being all nice and not telling the names of people I tell my stories, screw it. Sgt. Hartsock, we are still friends but man, I am still pissed about this. In the "WHAT HAPPEND TO THE GOOD OL FORUM?" thread on This Spartan Life I tried to point out, and help solve the problem. You and Downskated needed to sort out your problems before you took the whole forum down with you.

Hartsock, you have a rage-cage inside of you. You have some anger problems. If you read this blog (not likely) I have some advice for you. Make a blog, and rant away. That's what I do! And just because I'm younger than you doesn't mean my advice doesn't matter. This rant is just for Hartsock, so don't comment about it. Only a few people will know what I am talking about in this one. Anyways, onto -

Close-Open-Minded Christians

On the Flying Spaghetti Monster website they have a lovely hate-mail section that gives me so many laughs it's not even funny. While Christians say that they are open-minded about all beliefs, they feel like they need to insult the Pastafarians about theirs. Just read some of these
I feel really bad for everyone who is here and is joking on the one and only true God,who created you, loves you with all His heart and died for your sins so that you could go to heaven and not and unimaginable place of Hell where there is no strip clubs and volcanoes of beer. Hell is a real place, and i guarantee if you were to look down on hell for 30 seconds you would be too sick and defiled and would live your life perfect until you die, regretting every sin you have done in your life. I will pray for all you jokesters who think this life is just for fun, because whether its in this life or after you die, you WILL realize that there is a true God, the only difference is that if you wait until you die you will be spending ETERNITY in Hell, and at that time its to late for forgiveness…….
- T-Jones

Basically, this guy's saying "Pfft, screw your beliefs. YOU WILL END UP IN HELL IF YOU ARE NOT CHRISTIAN!! BLALLGHLGALGLALHRALHLALGLA!" Like some sort of bible-thumping god warrior. Not everyone has to believe in what you believe in, and it is quite rude to tell someone that they are going to hell for not believing what you do. Check out this one -

You’re sad. No hate mail here… just a little bit o’ pity, a melancholy roll of the eyes, quick shake of the head, and quick dismissal of some defiant folks who will have an unbearable eternity ahead. I’m not what you’d call a religious whack job… but the only thing in this life that’s more difficult to believe and conprehend than the story of creation and intelligent design is the one-in-a-google-to-the-google-power possibility that it all happened by chance.

Good luck.

Here's the old argument that we happened by chance. Of course, if this guy had the IQ higher than a cranberry, he would know that evolution is entirely the opposite. Now to see a very kind-hearted Christian that just wants the best for everyone, check out this -

I cant Belive you complete morons belive in spegehti monster you will burn in hell and you had it comming for being godamned retards.

THERE IS NO SPEGEHTTI MONSTER. But your pathetic site always makes me laugh.

This guy had to even start name-calling the poor Pastafarians for their beliefs! I bet your all-loving god told you to do that, too?

Brawl for All
2 rants in this one, both about Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

Firstly, what, Sakurai, what is the point of the new delay? I mean, while we have a month added to the release date, the Japanese get just a week? What's the point in that? What is really bad about this delay is that you told us a week from the old Japanese release date. Right when we thought everyone around the world was going to get every single bit of information about Brawl, you take it away from us! Imagine if you just payed off your car, and right when you were about to pick it up a tornado goes and takes it away! Brawl was STOLEN from us.

Secondly, people need to stop bitching about the updates (not including delays). I was sickened when I saw morons all over the web bitching about the Pikmin & Olimar character reveal. Acting like 8 year olds, saying that he is "gay" and the sorts. It is a good character from a good game. Plus, it's not like he is taking up anyone's place on the roster! He's a 1st party character, so megaman, sephiroth, or whoever the hell you want in still has a chance and always had a chance. And, by the way, there will only be 3 third-party characters. All of the rest such as Tails will be assist trophies, as we saw with Grey Fox.

Also, what's with my new count-down thingy on the side of the blog? Why isn't it working?!? Ghah, I don't want to fix it again.

Anyways, that's all with the Mega-rant-athon. I hope you enjoyed it. I sure as hell did.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

What I want

Some people don't quite know what I want from creationists. No, I don't want the domination of their people, or anything Satanic like that. Here is a list of things.

1. Equality.
If you read my other rants, you know that Atheists are pretty unpopular in America because of false beliefs that keep spreading everywhere. I will say it again, America was not formed as a Christian nation. Why can't you just keep it like that? Atheists are the most untrusted minority, just for having different beliefs!
  • No "God" in school, except for Private Schools.
  • Stop blaming Atheists for everything that is wrong with this nation
  • Intelligent Design is not science, and does not belong in a science classroom.
  • Take "under god" out of the Pledge, take "in god we trust" off money.
  • Stick to Separation of Church and State.
  • Atheists, and all religious and non religious people deserve the same rights.
Knowing America today, most of this probably won't happen. And knowing the ignorance of some creationists, if we even try to make equality in this country, they will bitch about us taking away their religiosity. Why can't they just accept that they do not rule this world, and that people with other beliefs need equal rights.

I'm not here to get rid of your beliefs. If they make your life livable, so be it. If you need a comforter in life and you want to believe in god, so be it. But if you want everyone to believe in what you do, and want to change this country so that you get what you want, I just might have something to say about that.

Until next time,

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Everyone hates Atheists

No, it's not a new sitcom for retarded monkeys to watch, it is the truth. For some odd reason, everyone seems to hate Atheists! I have no idea why this is so, but the hate is everywhere in America. Christians, I want you to see our life through our eyes. (of course, other religions discriminate us, but it is mostly Christians so I will be focusing on them. Remember, all religions respectively hate us :D)

Imagine that you couldn't hold a government office because you were Christian.

Imagine that your money had the words 'There is no god' stamped across it.

Imagine that each day you recited the pledge and said " nation, under no god, indivisible..."

Imagine that hundreds of thousands of Atheists protested when an engraved stone saying 'God is false' was ordered to be removed from an 'impartial' courtroom.

Imagine that your kids, in school, had to recite two biblical contradictions and denounce god each day.

Imagine that you couldn't testify in certain courts because you're Christian.

Imagine that your children took classes in school titled 'Atheism 101' yet refused to offer 'Christianity 101', or even 'Religion 101'.

Imagine that Christians were not considered citizens by your country's leader solely because of their religious views.

Imagine that your children couldn't join the Boy Scouts because of their Christian beliefs.

Imagine that the majority of Americans would not vote for a Christian for president, even if he or she were fully qualified.

Imagine that Christianity was the 'religion least in the interest of the pursuit of the American dream'.

Imagine that the government gave money to Atheist organisations, exempted them from taxes, gave them land, and funded private Atheist schools.

A 2006 study at the University of Minnesota showed atheists to be the most mistrusted minority among Americans.

The phrase 'under god' was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, but Congress overturned it.

The state constitutions of Arkansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas disqualifies and denies any person who does not believe in a god or supreme being a government office.

So, I ask you. Why can't Christians mind their own business and leave Atheists alone?
It's amazing, really. Every other religion thinks they are the ones being hated. I mean, come on people! If you try to have a debate about it with a theist, they just turn it into a debate about god. Allow me to use a Chris Rock joke when I say, Atheists can never win an argument with a theist because Atheists have a need to make sense.

Why can't theists just realize that we can have our own opinions about things. If we do not believe in a god, let us be. Why does everything have to be a debate with you theists, trying to prove we are the reincarnation of Satan? It's not like I would walk up to someone going to church and say, "You are going to die and rot in the ground because of you beliefs!". But I have heard stories, and been in a situation where a Christian condemned me to hell for not believing in what he believes. I bet your all-loving god told you to do that, right?

Just leave us be. Why would you be afraid of us? What do you think we are going to do to you, tell you about our beliefs? Oh no! It's not like anyone has done that before! The only reason that bothers you is because you think you rule the world and all apposed can burn wherever you send people. And how can you even say that we stuff our beliefs down your throats. Most of the time we can't even start discussing science because you are too busy preaching about being atheist is a sin and that I'm the anti-christ and that God still loves me.

Here's another thing. Don't try to save me when I said that I'm Atheist. I could care less about your silly beliefs, but if it makes your life better, you can believe in anything. If I am trying to have a discussion and I say that I am an atheist, I don't want to be saved, converted, baptized, drenched with holy water, etc. Trying to save someone is the very definition of shoving beliefs down throats.

Sadly, no one reads this blog so I will not have any intelligent comments. Actually, I won't have any comments at all. I need to get this blog some publicity....