Imagine that you couldn't hold a government office because you were Christian.It's amazing, really. Every other religion thinks they are the ones being hated. I mean, come on people! If you try to have a debate about it with a theist, they just turn it into a debate about god. Allow me to use a Chris Rock joke when I say, Atheists can never win an argument with a theist because Atheists have a need to make sense.
Imagine that your money had the words 'There is no god' stamped across it.
Imagine that each day you recited the pledge and said " nation, under no god, indivisible..."
Imagine that hundreds of thousands of Atheists protested when an engraved stone saying 'God is false' was ordered to be removed from an 'impartial' courtroom.
Imagine that your kids, in school, had to recite two biblical contradictions and denounce god each day.
Imagine that you couldn't testify in certain courts because you're Christian.
Imagine that your children took classes in school titled 'Atheism 101' yet refused to offer 'Christianity 101', or even 'Religion 101'.
Imagine that Christians were not considered citizens by your country's leader solely because of their religious views.
Imagine that your children couldn't join the Boy Scouts because of their Christian beliefs.
Imagine that the majority of Americans would not vote for a Christian for president, even if he or she were fully qualified.
Imagine that Christianity was the 'religion least in the interest of the pursuit of the American dream'.
Imagine that the government gave money to Atheist organisations, exempted them from taxes, gave them land, and funded private Atheist schools.
A 2006 study at the University of Minnesota showed atheists to be the most mistrusted minority among Americans.
The phrase 'under god' was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, but Congress overturned it.
The state constitutions of Arkansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas disqualifies and denies any person who does not believe in a god or supreme being a government office.
So, I ask you. Why can't Christians mind their own business and leave Atheists alone?
Why can't theists just realize that we can have our own opinions about things. If we do not believe in a god, let us be. Why does everything have to be a debate with you theists, trying to prove we are the reincarnation of Satan? It's not like I would walk up to someone going to church and say, "You are going to die and rot in the ground because of you beliefs!". But I have heard stories, and been in a situation where a Christian condemned me to hell for not believing in what he believes. I bet your all-loving god told you to do that, right?
Just leave us be. Why would you be afraid of us? What do you think we are going to do to you, tell you about our beliefs? Oh no! It's not like anyone has done that before! The only reason that bothers you is because you think you rule the world and all apposed can burn wherever you send people. And how can you even say that we stuff our beliefs down your throats. Most of the time we can't even start discussing science because you are too busy preaching about being atheist is a sin and that I'm the anti-christ and that God still loves me.
Here's another thing. Don't try to save me when I said that I'm Atheist. I could care less about your silly beliefs, but if it makes your life better, you can believe in anything. If I am trying to have a discussion and I say that I am an atheist, I don't want to be saved, converted, baptized, drenched with holy water, etc. Trying to save someone is the very definition of shoving beliefs down throats.
Sadly, no one reads this blog so I will not have any intelligent comments. Actually, I won't have any comments at all. I need to get this blog some publicity....
I agree with pretty much everything said here... I <3 Atheism. In all it's forms. I looooooooove it.
Brilliant! I totally agree!
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