Friday, May 30, 2008

Holy fucking shit

I just now realized that my blog ticker has gone from 21 (since I last checked it) to 43. I'm guessing it's all of the people from, where I made a topic linking this blog. I never thought that so many people would actually check out this blog, after all of the warnings I posted about how it has vulgar, heatheness filth. :)

You can't disprove god!

Creationists love this argument, and when I say love, I mean they practically fucking masturbate to it. Whenever their idiotic arguments have been refuted, they always go "Well, you can't disprove God!". So fucking what? I can't disprove god therefore he exists? I guess I could say "Well, you can't disprove my claim that god doesn't exist." it is a mindfuck which will probably cause the creationist to change the subject or say something idiotic. But, let's look closely at this argument that you can't disprove god. Onward, to intelligence!

Ok, so anyone that runs into this argument in a debate should immediately say "That's not how it works, you made the assertion that God exists, you provide the evidence. If you fail to provide evidence your hypothesis is untrue." You see, the religious person is the one making the (irrational) claim that God exists, so therefore said person must provide evidence. Saying "You can't disprove it!" is idiotic as you cannot disprove the Flying Spaghetti Monster or the Teapot orbiting in between Mars's and Jupiter's orbits. You can't disprove the FSM because he's invisible, and you can't disprove the teapot because our telescopes aren't powerful enough to see it.

I don't even want to continue in this rant because of how stupid the damn argument is! I mean, it can be refuted so easily, it is so idiotic, though the faith-heads just adore it. Let's rant about something else!

Why is it that Christians always seem to need to capitalize certain words when debating online? They capitalize words like LORD and SON and GOD and other shit, but why the fuck do they do it? Do they feel that we can't read the words or something? Do they feel the need to shout the fucking words at us? Are those words more important than the other words? What the fuck's up with that?

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Fundies say the darndest things!

I've always wanted to do this, so now I will! I will refute some of the stupidest arguments on FSTDT with my intelligence. This will be so fun that I just can't wait. Let's get started!

The burden of proof lies on atheists because common sense says there's a God.

Here is some scientific evidence for God:

1) You're here, aren't you?

2) The world is complex

3) The Bible has been proven to be true because it mentions cities that actually existed. If the Bible was false, EVERY SINGLE city and person mentioned would be completely made up

4) Faith is a reliable tool to determine truth. This is why 33 percent of the world is Christian

Actually, common sense tells us to come to our own conclusions after finding the evidence, not following your sky god like blind sheep. Also, your "scientific evidence" for god is just logical fallacies wrapped in ignorance.

1. I think I'm here, but wait, what does that have to do with god?

2. How does the complexity of the world have any relevance to god?

3. That's about as stupid as thinking that Star Wars was a true story because it mentions space. It doesn't matter if it mentions things that actually exist (like space), it is still a fictional story.

4. Why is it a reliable tool again? And just because there are a lot of people who are christians, it doesn't mean god is real. It means people are stupid.

None of these points even remotely address the underlying issue, the actual reason why gays cannot marry. Marriage is something reserved for humanity, homosexuals are a devolved, viral like entity. We simply cannot legislate what this plague does, its the equivalent of congress trying to legalize marriages between influenza viruses.

Remember, oh ye of little intelligence, that we can't deal with the plague in the same way we deal with humanity.

Marriage is an artificial bondage between 2 humans, created by humans for some stupid reason that I could care less about. Homosexuality is a complex behavior found in some humans, not a plague. The fact that you aren't hesitant to say the most homophobic things makes me wonder about your morals. Did your loving god tell you to be a homophobic twat?

Homosexuals deserve to be executed or tortured and possibly both, an Iranian leader told British MPs during a private meeting at a peace conference, The Times has learnt.

Mohsen Yahyavi is the highest-ranked politician to admit that Iran believes in the death penalty for homosexuality after a spate of reports that gay youths were being hanged.

President Ahmadinejad, questioned by students in New York two months ago about the executions, dodged the issue by suggesting that there were no gays in his country.

Britain regularly challenges Iran about its gay hangings, stonings and executions of adulterers and perceived moral criminals, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) papers show.

The latest row involves a woman hanged this June in the town of Gorgan after becoming pregnant by her brother. He was absolved after expressing his remorse. Britain said that this demonstrated the unequal treatment of men and women in law and breached Iran’s pledge to restrict the death penalty to the most serious crimes.
Oh look, more homophobia. I'm not even going to waste my time with this batshit insane homophobic. Just bomb 'em.

There is a huge difference between angels and fairies. There are sane people who believe in angels, and I'm not so sure a sane person would believe in fairies. Angels are messengers from God, and some of them have wings and some of them don't. They are strong, powerful, spirit beings. Fairies are just magical and someone's imagination.

Wait, is this guy serious?

If evolution were real, that would mean God was a liar.

So, if God were a liar, there would be NOTHING. No earth, no stars, no us, no nothing.
Or, it would mean that god doesn't exist.

The demon behind homosexuality is one of the most evil horrible demons every created. I can't wait to judge him and send him to the pit!!

I thought God did the judging?

I might do more of these later. They're fun.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Incompetence, hypocrites and censorship

If you know me, I watch Thunderf00ts videos on youtube, and recently there has been a "debate" between him and the deluded faith-head VenomFangX. Now, I'm not one to get angry simply because people have different views of the universe, but I can say that the comments that Venom and his brigade of believers have said against evolution, atheists and science altogether make me angry as a motherfucker. And the fact that he censors all negative comments on his videos and disables ratings makes me even more angry, since no one can even attempt to inform and correct him on the idiocy that he says.

He parades around with is arrogance and ignorance of everything to do with science and spits in it's face. He says things that are so idiotic, it's surprising, even for a creationists (hell, even for a young-earth creationist!). He says things like "If you are an atheist, you believe that you came from nothing" when it is so different. Simply put, we come from stars. Some stars are fortunate enough to let out heavy elements when they die, and these heavy elements eventually start forming planets, and then atmospheres, etc. Then we get to the privative mud puddle that is organic compounds (I know it's not a mud puddle, it's a figure of speech). But, they ask, where did the organic compounds come from. Did a god just make them appear out of nowhere? Nope, it's actually quite simple. The energy from things like earthquakes, meteor impacts and lightning allowed simple molecules like ammonia to form into more complex organic molecules like nucleotide bases and amino acids. Then everything got more complex over time, badda bing badda boom, evolution has started.

Their are other idiotic statements from Mr. Venom, too. For example, "Nothing exploded in the big bang and formed everything" is so stupid a statement that it's hard to explain, since I'm too busy laughing at his ignorance. I'll try to explain, though. This is quite simple too, though with venom's utter lack of knowledge of anything he is against, he doesn't see it. We don't know what caused the big bang. We just don't. It's out of reach of science for now, and probably will stay for a while. Saying that we came from nothing, or saying that nothing exploded shows your incompetence. We just don't know, possibly it was a god that caused the big bang. Maybe it was a natural cause that we just haven't found out yet. Where did the energy come from? Where did the matter come from? Well, seeing how energy and matter are basically the same thing, it's more of a question of, did the energy come first or did the matter? The answers to all of this is unknown and will stay unknown for a while, as I stated before.

Venom has made a video which he keeps changing the title of firstly called "The most important video ever made" in which he rants and raves about how evolution contradicts his biblical beliefs and doesn't really make any point other than he is still an idiot. He asks how to falsify evolution, and while others have made similar answers, mine will be "If you find me a mammoth in our time period, evolution is falsified." Of course, I haven't really researched into mammoths recently, so I don't know if some still exist or not. I'm pretty sure they went extinct last ice age, though. Mammoths existed in the Cenozoic period, and we exist in the Anthropocene period, so it will be extremely unlikely to find any alive mammoths. That is, if evolution is true and the fossil record is accurate. Which they are.

I'm sure Venom is going to just ignore everything that smart people have corrected for him, such as DonExodus and Thunderf00t. He's probably going to make a new video soon, with more of Cunt Hovind's stupid arguments, totally disregarding everything he has learned from the smart atheists on youtube (though, DonExodus labels himself as a creationist, he sure as hell is against every bit of it.).

The fact that idiots like Venom can go around butchering science, disallow any correction, ignore every scientific discovery ever, and show complete incompetence of anyone who even tries to correct him is insane. This guy is batshit insane. He even has followers of him, and they're equally batshit insane.

I probably didn't make a good point in this post, but I wanna correct anything! All of your comments are also blocked. And I'm converting to VenomFangXism. And I'm going insane in the membrane. And I'm also being sarcastic.

Monday, May 12, 2008


During my life, I have heard quite a bit about drugs, with all of the anti-drug propaganda everywhere in sight. With the DARE program in elementary and middle school, and the political statements about how bad this drug is, weed has gotten it's share of popularity, for better or for worse. The fact of the matter is, when I grew up, I actually researched weed myself, and found that it isn't as bad as people say. I can't even believe that there are people that haven't researched it themselves, they just listen to whatever the government has to say on the matter and believe it immediately, like blind sheep. It's really amazing.

I mean, if you mention weed in a public place, for example if you say "I might try some weed", you will get so many dirty looks and idiots barking their mindless dribble in your face. They say "It's bad for you!", "It can kill!", "You can get addicted to it!", and "It will turn you into a couch potato!" What's so amazingly ignorant in all of those claims is that every scientific research has found the exact opposite. It isn't as bad for you compared to other drugs, and It helps with some illnesses. It can't kill you, and there has been no case of a weed overdose, it's physically impossible. You can't get addicted to it, as the THC found in it isn't addictive. The only addiction you can get is a mental addiction, as you can with everything else, including chocolate and masturbating. It may turn some users into couch potatoes, but the fact that everyone (and I mean everyone) in your family and other families has used it before and they turn out fine makes that argument irrelevant.

I love how the last argument totally contradicts the fact that there are so many successful weed users. How about Carl Sagan? He was a avid weed smoker, and he's one of the most famous television celebrities and astronomers ever. He pioneered the SETI program dammit! How can you say that weed makes people couch potatoes when there are users, just like Mr. Sagan, going up and beyond the calling? On weed, Mr. Sagan wrote how this plant helped him inspire some of his works and enhance sensual and intellectual experiences. He even wrote an essay, under the pseudonym Mr. X, about the very things I just mentioned.

There are very idiotic people when it comes to weed. They insult them, telling them that they are losers, that they'll never amount to anything just because they smoke weed. And these people are so rude to them because they believe everything the government says about weed! These people are deluded! Extremely, christian-like, deluded. They don't even want to research it themselves! The fact that people can be so rude to people for smoking something that shouldn't be illegal in the first place is sickening. But, you find this everywhere. Due to propaganda lies, people have been brought up a false-truth about weed.

Weed isn't a drug either. It shouldn't be considered a drug, since It is simply not one. It's a plant. You don't add anything to the plant when preparing it, you just cut off the buds, put it in your smoking peripheral of choice and smoke. No additives, nothing added to it. Katt Williams explains it very well, let's watch and see.

Haha, that's great. The more powerful weed that he's talking about are different strains. They are just variations of weed that people have made. Strains of weed are the only case in which people add stuff to the weed. But they don't add the shit that they would do with actual drugs, they add stuff to make the weed have different effects and colors, and smell. Just read this wiki article about it, . They breed the plants and grow new strains. It's not like drugs where they do chemical shit to it.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Grand Theft Auto made me murder! D:

There are some things that I run into a lot, since I am a video gamer. I always hear about how they're teaching kids to kill, etc. etc. etc. . I hate it when I hear idiots barking about how video games taught their kids to kill, when in actuality it is just their bad parenting and their kid's lack of any moral conscience. The same goes for suicidals. I'm sure some might find that last comment untasteful but in actuality it is quite accurate. You see, suicidal people are in fact, suicidal because they are having some problems in life that they just can't handle. They listen to some music, play some video games, and it does nothing to help. So then they just end their lives and the parents put all of the blame on the video game companies and record companies. Hey parents, how about instead you try and get a quick buck by suing a multi-million dollar company, how about you actually talk to your children. Get them counseling, a theorpist and just be there for them if they get suicidal or homicidal. At least if he/she still pulls the trigger, you know that you did your best to help the situation.

But even if some parents take the above advice, there will still be ambulance chasers trying to blame everything on something totally irrelevant to what they're talking about. Let's look at an example, shall we - Jack Thompson, the most infamous lawyer ever is no rookie when it comes to ambulance chasing. He's done it for years, and his prime target has been videogames. Now I could take a stab at religion and say that Mr. Thompson is most likely insane because of his Christian Conservative faith, but it's too easy. He is clearly so insane because of his extreme - and I mean so extreme that it makes anti-evolutionists look good - lack of knowledge on the video games he is fighting against.

But before I get to how Yack Hompson, knows nothing about video games, lets look at what I was mentioning before. He makes baseless claims that are irrelevant to whatever is happening. For example, on the V-Tech shootings, Wack Sompson predicted that the killer "trained" on the immensely popular Counter Strike. How you can train to kill someone on a video game is beyond me, but that's nothing compared to the fact that when police got a warrant to search the killer's room, they found no video games. The roommate of said killer had even stated that the killer only used his computer for writing fiction. The fact that Sad Sack Thomson can go on national television and make completely baseless claims to further his war against video games is repulsive. Especially like on a day like that.

Wack-Job Thompson doesn't even have a clue about what video games he is fighting against. Recently, he was protesting (not literally on the streets with pick-it signs or anything) against Grand Theft Auto 4 because you could kill cops, and because you could chainsaw people, etc. Thompson doesn't even understand the genre of the game he is most against! Yes you can kill cops, but you can also follow the law! Yes you can run over innocent bystanders and fuck hookers, but you can also just be a pedestrian and explore the game. It's an open-world sandbox game, Jack. SANDBOX! YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU WANT! WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YES YOU CAN KILL COPS, BUT IT ISN'T REQUIRED IN THE GAME! STUPID SHIT HEAD LAWYER THAT KNOWS NOTHING, I SWEAR!

And there isn't a chainsaw in GTA4, either. Perhaps you should learn something about what your against so that you don't end up looking like Ben Stein, Jack.

This is the first time I've posted at 3:00 in the morning, and I hope when I read it this morning it still makes sense and makes coherent points.