1. The Theist ignoring any and all evidence I have put forth and continuing to be ignorant
2. The Theist whining how all atheists are trying to convert you, even though they started the debate.
3. The Theist being a stuck-up punk that results to name calling rather than continuing with the debate.
Of course, my side has it's faults too, and I openly admit that there are bad atheists. The bad atheists are the ones on youtube, that think it's cool to mock someone because of their religion. Sure, I've mocked people before, but that's because they are incredibly stupid, not because they follow a religion that is equally stupid. In all, I usually mock the religion, not the followers. People just need to realize that there are bad people on each, on every side. It's just the way we humans are. Some a good, some are bad.
Anyways, onto what this post is about. I find it amazing how ignorant some people can be. They can't even open a dictionary and look up atheism! According to most fundies, the definition of atheism is "A cult of devil worshippers that hate everybody who is religious and has no morals", when in actuality it is this - "A person whom does not believe in any higher power or deityies." (well, that's my definition of it. Dictionary.com says
1. | the doctrine or belief that there is no God. |
2. | disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.") |
An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in a deity. Simple. Atheism, in it's vahnella state, has nothing to do with Evolution, Abiogenesis, The Big Bang or any scientific theory. Just because a person is an atheist doesn't mean that they believe in Evolution. The fact that so many atheists do indeed "beleive" in evolution, abiogenesis, the big bang means that they are logical people. They look at the evidence, and see if it fits with our discoveries. They don't just believe something because it's tradition, or because an old book told them to.
I hate the term "Evolutionist" but allow me to explain the definition of that, too. An Evolutionist is a person whom believes/supports/accepts the theory of Evolution. Now, unlike Atheism, there can be theistic evolutionists. These are people whom believe god kick-started the process of evolution (of course, they have no evidence to back that up). Theistic Evolutionists are Theists and Evolutionists, but not Atheists. Simple.
How is it so hard to understand?
Atheist = Doesn't believe in a god
Theist = Believes in god
Evolutionist = Supports/accepts/believes in the theory of Evolution whether or not he/she is an atheist.
How the hell did fundies even get "Devil Worshippers" from "A person who doens't believe in a god", anyways? I guess we'll never know.
Yeah great post , its a big problem . http://shining-city.net/blog/?p=394#comment-162
Because some of them don't believe there are other religions- there is only God's and Satan's. Where do you think "with us or against us" came from?
Where the hell did you guys come from?
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