Sunday, April 27, 2008

ID isn't science... And I can prove it.

Now, this may seem like a big task, but it is fairly simple. First off, yes I am partly using ThunderF00t's argument for this, but everyone should hear this no matter who says it. ID stands for Idiotic Dogmatics.. Sorry, I mean ID stands for Intelligent Design, which is a "theory" created by creationists to get creationism into science class. First off, It isn't a theory (as I have stated in previous posts), it's a uneducated hypothesis at the most. Why isn't it a theory? Well, because it doesn't follow the Scientific Method.

Now before I go and explain how and why it doesn't follow the Scientific Method, let's discuss how important this method is. The Scientific Method is perhaps the most important techniques in science. It's what proves and updates science. It's what creates theories. It's what uses the evidence provided and the knowledge we know of the universe now to form a conclusive theory based on our observations. It is science.

Now that we've got that out of the way, lets see what we do when we want to form a theory using the scientific method.
Now, the reason why Intelligent Design isn't science is because of one little fact. It's based on supernatural claims. What is supernatural is untestable by definition. If you propose that the universe was created by a supernatural deity, you are in fact answering an unknown (the question) with another unknown (supernatural deity). The fact that the deity is untestable means that you cannot gather data, provide evidence, interpret data, and retest. Since ID doesn't get past step 4, it is not science and does not belong in a science classroom.

On the other hand, evolution is. Darwin asked the question of the diversity of life, he gathered information, he formed a hypothesis that species have a common ancestor, he collected data and evidence of evolution, and he made it so that evolution can be retested and improved.

Just type in Observed cases of speciation to find evidence of evolution. The evidence is right there in front of you, people. You just want to put your fingers in your ears and sing lalalalalala really loud instead of actually listening.

Also, a lot of people don't really understand what goes down after a theory is created. They think that no one questions evolution, when in fact, it is the complete opposite. If a scientist thinks he has proof that a theory is false, he will rip that theory open like a lion eating a gazelle. Atheists are extremely open minded to everything of this sort, I mean we will quickly open the magazine and get reading if we see a theory under fire in an issue of Scientific American. The fact that science gets retested and updated also proves that there is support in favor of evolution.

Christians have a completely stupid mindset of what an Atheist is. Most christians see Atheists as devil worshiping, heathen, filth; when in fact we are just scientific. We're not close-minded, we're not dogmatic, we're not imposing our beliefs on you, we're not harassing you, we're not hypocrites, we are just people who like to talk scientifically about the universe.

But some people are even thinking that Science itself is a lie! They don't even understand the scientific method is to form a hypothesis, back it up with evidence, and retest the theory whenever possible. Scientists work their asses off to observe, investigate, test, experiment, all in the name of knowledge. You koo-koo clock conspiracy theorists and creationists aren't helping very well when you impose your bullshit on us. Fuck off.

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