When searching through the internet doing my usual things I sometimes come across one incredibly irritating argument against Evolution. They say "It's just a theory!". Well, I've had this rant on my mind for some time now, and I will finally rant about it. Such stupidity as the argument that "Evolution is just a theory" deserves to be ripped and broken apart, then eaten, then regurgitated, then eaten a second time, then shitted out, then lit on fire and lastly, sat in a paper bag in front of the Westboro Baptist Church (ringing the doorbell first, of course). Firstly, lets break down this word "theory" by looking at it's definition.
The definition of a theory in the scientific context is very different than just "a guess". A theory is a model, or framework, describing a natural phenomenon. For example, the Theory of Evolution is a theory that describes the mutations of a organism, changing it over time. The theory of gravity describes the invisible force keeping planets in orbit and us on Earth. Saying that something can't be possible due to the fact that it is just a theory is preposterous. Theories describe things that already happen in nature.
Now, some clever Creationists have banded together and made their own "theory" called Intelligent Design. Their "theory" describes the formation and creation of everything, and thus describing the creator God. But This "Theory" isn't a real theory at all. It's just a hypothesis formed from their religion and has no evidence backing it up. Intelligent design isn't even scientific! It's a faith based guess (not a theory, not a hypothesis, a misguided stupid-ass guess) that somehow has the label of a theory. Intelligent Design, simply put, is the Creationists trying to get their stupid, illogical, idiotic beliefs into schools, into science, into everything. They are trying to destroy everything that is good in the world (science) by pushing their stupid guess of the formation of the universe into places that it doesn't belong. creation scientists, I tell you what. Back up your "theory" with some solid evidence that would prove the claim that the universe was created by a man in the sky and I will be glad to listen. But, as every intelligent person knows, Creationists seem not to follow the scientific method.
But Ho! The Creationists have another trick up their sleeve! Once you refute the "theory" argument, they will counter sharply. Guess what it is? You're correct! Occam's Razor!

Yep. That's all you need. Just save that picture on your hard drive and whip it out whenever anyone plays the Occam's Razor card. It will save you a lot of time, and ain't it convenient to just have a neat little picture to sum up all of your arguments?
I want to find more of these neat pictures, It really helps me cut down on the length of these rants. And some of them are quite clever.
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